I now have some more exciting details to share on the upcoming Poker challenge (although dates are still unknown).
I decided to change the strategy a bit and instead of a web-service solution (sorry, microsoft buzz word dept.) go with a more object oriented approach.
Those of you who participated in Microsoft's .NET Terrarium might recognize the path I'm planning...
I will on this blog release a poker library, which includes all the classes needed for a nice game of poker (Texas Hold'em). It'll have Card class, Game class (for keeping track of players and betting), CardCollection (that can calculate what kind of a hand you have), etc. It will even have a Player class - but this is where you come in! That class will be abstract. So, the challenge is to use make your own Player class, inheriting from the base Player class, then code the behavior that makes your poker player the best in the bunch. While developing your player you can try it using a small test-stub I'll include, and when done you simply upload the dll to a website (details follow later). Then, we'll hold match(es), monitor them online real-time (hopefully) and find a winner!
Still havn't heard from anybody willing to sponsor any winnings - but there is still time.
Very interesting!
Let's see..
ok, I am interested in this, is it a go or is it dead in the water?
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