Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Code Challenge: Michael the Math Maniac

Time for another summer code-challenge. Hopefully this one is a bit easier than the last one :-)

Mr. Michael was a lucky man, cause today, 20070710 (ISO standard) was his birthday!
But Michael wasn't your average lucky birthday boy. He was a Math Maniac. And on this special day, he was wondering: How many of the numbers between 0 and contains the ciphers "20070710" (in that order) somewhere within the number?

Design a method int CountNumbers(int min, int max, int SequenceToFind); that returns the count of numbers which contains the SequenceToFind.
1st prize goes to first valid entry, 2nd prize to best performing entry.
The prizes are still "honour & mocking rights".
May the best developer win.


Unknown said...

well, i'll never say that it's the best math approach to it, but it does count it.. performance will probably be mayhem tho :)

public int CountNumbers(int min, int max, int SequenceToFind)
int results = 0;
string search = SequenceToFind.ToString();

if (SequenceToFind == max)
results = 1;
if (SequenceToFind < max)
if (SequenceToFind>min)
min = SequenceToFind;
for (int i = min; i <= max; i++)
if (i.ToString().Contains(search))
return results;

Allan Thræn said...

Congrats Peter. Although you're right - the performance is terrible - you presented the first valid entry and thereby you win the mocking rights of us all until next challenge!