Monday, October 8, 2007

Off to Stockholm

After a terrific first week at EPiServer Denmark, I'm off for a 3-day introduction tour to the swedish HQ.
In the first week I accomplished most of what I set out to do: I got my laptop up and running, with a decent dev. environment, almost learned my way around Vista (still don't know if I like it) and got started on a couple of really interesting projects.

I've also started an episerver-based blog on the Research site, - but don't worry, I plan to crosspost a lot so you shouldn't be missing out on anything here.
So far EPiServer seems to be both a great product and a really nice company - I certainly can't complain about the way I've been received so far.

So, now all thats left to do is to look forward to some of the famous swedish cuisine in the next 3 days to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you ever host the poker bot tournament you mentioned? Sounds interesting.